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VAT Compliance and Data Collection

To ensure compliance with European Value-Added Tax (VAT) regulations, we use a third- party service provided by EAS Project ( for VAT reporting. This service collects and processes certain sales data from our checkout process solely for the purpose of VAT reporting to European tax authorities. The information collected includes:

  • Transaction details (e.g., product or service purchased, amount paid)

  • Customer information (e.g., billing and shipping address, VAT identification number if applicable)

    Purpose of Data Collection

  • The collected data is used exclusively for:

  • Calculating and reporting VAT owed to European tax authorities

  • Ensuring compliance with relevant VAT laws and regulations Data Security

    EAS Project employs robust security measures to protect your data during transmission and storage. We have entered into a data processing agreement with EAS Project to ensure that your data is handled securely and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

    Data Sharing
    We do not share your personal data with EAS Project for any purpose other than VAT compliance. Your data will not be sold, rented, or disclosed to third parties for marketing or other purposes.

    More information
    For any questions or concerns regarding the handling of your VAT data, please contact EAS directly at or visit their website at for more information.